Tuesday morning we tried to get to the visitors center early so we could get tickets for all the carriage rides and try to do a handcart trek. Well we weren’t early enough. We got tickets for the Old Nauvoo Carriage tour, but not the other carriage ride that takes you through the woods and tells stories. It was full so apparently it was the popular carriage ride! Also they were pretty booked on the treks, but they let us just go at the same time as another family. But when we got down there the man explained a little more what the trek was like. 1, 2, or 3 miles, but it takes 1, 2, or 3 hours because the trail is so treacherous. Straight down muddy slopes, through rivers….with babies pretty much not possible. Heidi really wanted to do it so we sent her along with that other family and the Elder missionary working there was very kind and let Janine and I go ahead and take a cart with the babies to walk the dirt roads that the carriages go on. It was a beautiful area, walk, and I could just feel the spirit! It was blazin’ hot, but that didn’t seem to bother me (other than the times the sweat dripped into my eyes and burned!) I was just so grateful to be there and be doing this at that time!
This is me pulling the hand cart with the babies in the back. It was pretty muddy so we kept them in their seats. There were about 15 daddy long legs climbing around the cart and after we took care of hopefully all those little pets we were on our way.
Savannah loved the hand cart ride. She was grinning the whole time, even when we went down a steep hill and her carseat tipped over!

After the Hand Carting we went on the Old Nauvoo Tour Carriage Ride. On our way was the temple and I finally got a good shot of it. I have had this Temple displayed in my home for over a year and I have come to not only love the beauty of it, but the history as well!
Just out side of the visitors center is a garden with life size replicas of righteous women. This one was my favorite.
Everywhere around the historic sites are garden beds that are just beautiful. I couldn’t help but keep taking pictures of them!
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