I"m going to use my update post to add the rest of our Valentines Day since I only got through breakfast on my last week! It's been three weeks actually because we have been in Utah, but I"m glad to say...hundreds (literally...and maybe a thousand) pictures later I am DONE with this weeks posting! It's taken most of the afternoon and I still have lots of journaling to do, but at least the pictures and events are documented and posted! Since I do have SOOOO many pictures I will try to be brief on any stories or descriptions just posting the minimum.
The week before the trip was a crazy time, like always trying to get a million things done before leaving on top of packing and getting ready for a trip! It's always hard and a little stressful, but definitely worth it to be there for such wonderful family events.
The kids did fantastic this trip, taking naps when they were supposed to, for the most part going to bed really well at night and mostly behaving okay! It was craziness as we had many people staying at my parents house most of them and a million things we were trying to fit in during the week and a half that my two brothers were together, but it was wonderful. And for anybody who didn't know the event for this trip was that my 21 year old brother Jordan was returning from his mission in Japan, and my 19 year old brother Austin was leaving for his mission to Italy! Mixed with fun family events, emtional moments, and spiritual events such as Austins setting apart and a special stake conference with L. Tom Perry, it was a trip worth taking and I'm so glad we decided to go and stay for the full 2 weeks. Coming back home is often as crazy as trying to get ready to leave, I have lots to catch up on, but I think we have done pretty good, unpacked first and back into the swing of things already. MOstly...I"m so thankful for my bed again!
Thanks for all those who helped make that trip to wonderful! Especially my parents and Poor Jordan who had to deal with my kids and all our noise! We love you all!
Here are a few pictures of our Valentine Dinner with the missionaries and our friends Riley and Jillian. (I'll link to any recipes)
Appetizers - oreo truffles!

Goodie Bags - full of treats, games and Candy Cane Lollypops!

Dinner of red roasted potatoes, pink shrimp, chicken, and veggies with heart peppers.

OH! And I almost forgot, here is a little of our Presidents Day too!

For school we talked about why we have presidents day, talked about Washington, told his cherry tree story and some others, then finger painted cherry trees!

Cherry Smoothies

Even sang Happy Birthday to George and had granola bar bites with candles to blow out!

and then Maliyah did Savannah's hair. Combed down and hair spray too....lol.

1 comment:
What a fun trip. And I want to put one of those delish looking heart shaped choclate things in my mouth RIGHT NOW!!!
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