I haven't played basketball in FOREVER, but I have to say I was pretty proud of how I kept up with my much more fit 'looking' brothers. I say looking only because I may appear much more out of shape than them, but I probably work out much more regularly than most of them!

Aunt Janine was fantastic to help out with kids and babies.

Injuries happen even in the least of competitive families!

Jayden in his element. EAting food!

I'll mention one other thing we did that was on their agenda that we didn't take pictures of...it was a trip to the Draper temple. I had never been there before and it's beautiful! It was a little crazy with confusion as to where we were each going to be in the temple, but it was an wonderful evening with my family. My Dad also took us out after and paid for our babysitters! Janine was staying at the house for the week also since they were about to move and joined us for the weeks activities (that made 5 families and an extra return missionary staying in the house for the weekend!).

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