I have much to report on our first week of Homeschool. It was FANTASTIC! Maliyah loved it, I loved it, Kyson did for the most part and Jayden did really well keeping entertained while I was busy with the kids. We set up the school room, each night I spent a few minutes adjusting our schedule to work with that days subjects and activities and our days went quite smoothly! Actually it's funny but my mornings were great...but the afternoons got a little rough. I think mostly because I had so much other things to do that it was hard for the kids to entertain themselves, but we really only had about 2 days that my afternoons were really spazzy.
Our schedule in the morning is working really well and we are able to fit in piano lessons, school, doing chores and helping cook a meal. Kyson and Maliyah each get to take a turn every other day. We are up and dressed, breakfast eated and ready for the day by 8:30, and then spend roughly an hour working on chores. I love this only because now I finally have set aside time that is JUST for teaching my kids how to do certain things around the house. Before it was too crazy, I was too busy and it was faster for me to do it, but now I can help them and not only are they learning, but my house ends up really clean! We spend about 15 minutes for each child at the piano and they are picking it up pretty good! I'm sure the enthusiasm will die eventually, but in the mean time they are learning lots. We open our school with a devotional and then our studies. EVery day is a little different, but for the most part I have Kyson doing what Maliyah does, just at a lesser scale. Monday and WEdnesdays Maliyah gets to go to the school for PE and then on Thursdays they both go to Kyson's preschool group. Maliyah was unsure if she wanted to do it so I told her she could try it out and choose and I think she had a good time because she wants to go again!
All in all, I have felt really good about what we have chosen with doing homeschool and I love spending so much time with my kids! I love having them here at home with me and look forward to the rest of this year and the fun activities we will participate in!
12 years ago
1 comment:
hi. i found your blog through sugardoodle. i came to look for the birthday blocks that you did. as i was scrolling through your pages i noticed all your backgrounds that you used for your pictures. i would love to know where you got them. AND then i saw that you know brynn pedersen/clinger. she is my SIL. small world.
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