First a sewing project:

I promised to not say a word.
But these are NOT my hands

We are making blankets to donate in exchange for some Disney tickets. This is our final one to make yay!
Being Valentines week I tried to implement a little fun into our school day. First off...SNACK!
We made pink heart toast.
First while the bread is toasting turn your sugar pink.

then cut your toast into heart shapes

Then...LOAD it up with sugar (at least that's how Maliyah does it)

And don't forget the pink milk!

After snack we had the energy we needed to work on our next project. A bulletin board to hang all our crafts we make in school! I stuck the two little in front of a movie and headed outside to teach the two older about my router. Yes, I start them young. They will be making me money soon. JK seriously just kidding.

After the wood was all routed and sanded, it stained it a light green. The kids helped measure and cut the cork board and glue it onto the wood strip. Daddy hung it while I was at PE with Maliyah.

Perfect! now our heart men can have a place to hang! Which by the way were really fun to make. Kyson was a pro at making the accordion appendages and his hearts scary face!

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