Wowza! This has been a crazy week but full of fun activities! I tried to document many with pictures, but one I'm most bummed about missing was our date! I even took the camera all over with us, making Duck promise we were going to get a picture...and we didn't. Golly. But it was nonetheless a fun date! We went to dinner to Mr B's...luckily we were able to get in with a very late reservation, and then Duck surprised me and took me shopping! Fred Meyer was having their additional 60% off sale and so we were able to get quite a few clothes for the kids next year, but even a few things for me! Shocker! Then we went bowling. I did awful. No surprise.
Another eventful moment this week was my weigh in at weight watchers. since about Thanksgiving I had kinda hit a plateau. Even though I felt I was eating pretty good and being diligent at the GYM I wasn't losing. Well my streak finally ended and this week for the 4th week in a row I lost, but not only that I lost 3 pounds yay! I finally reached my first goal and half way to my next! I'm nervous for the next few weeks as I'll be traveling and in Utah and that's always difficult, but I'm going to do my best to make sure and work out and make good food choices when I go out since that inevitably happens!
So since I might not post again before the trip I just have to share a little of what is happening! Jordans returns from Japan on Friday...I still can't believe it. Then Austin leaves 1 1/2 weeks later to the MTC to prepare for his mission to Rome Italy! brothers have kept pretty safe, close to home, all attended Weber (not a bad school...just they never dared to venture) but golly it's not fair the opportunities they have had with their missions! I wanted to go on one so bad, many reasons number one of course to share the gospel, but to learn a new language see a new place, meet new people. Now I did most of that still. I have truly enjoyed sharing the gospel with many along my path, immediately following high school I left home and ventured to new places, met many people, made many lasting friendships (didn't learn a new language other than 2 year old jabber), and I guess I even made it out of the country on our honeymoon, but still. To have that opportunity to live among another people, a different culture, and learn to love something so different, I don't think my brothers realize how lucky they have been. I'm so excited to see Jordan on Friday I can't stand it!
Also while I"m there Janine is moving to Layton! They have found a house they will be renting that will give them a tiny bit more space for when new baby arrives! Lol, the funny thing it wasn't that long ago I was there helping Janine move into their new apartment, decorate it, move things around, and now funny timing because I can help her do it all over again! (So...Janine when you planning on helping me move?) ;)
This is long, I need to go and work on our valentine dinner, but last thing I wanted to mention was our Stake Adult Conference Session last night. My Positive Notes class had the opportunity to sing at it and what a wonderful opportunity for these kids. But most of all for me. It was so fun and such a joy. The meeting was awesome as well. It was all about music in our lives, but specifically the Hymns. Each talk was about a specific hymn, then following we sang the first verse of that hymn. I also had the joy of leading all the music. How fun that was! To see all the faces and hear all the voices. I couldn't stop smiling! I'm so glad that I had that opportunity. The spirit was so strong and what a wonderful end to my week. Thanks Molly for asking me to do that!
12 years ago
Sounds like a fun, full week! I love all your great ideas. Congrats on the weight loss! I'm going the opposite way right now, it seems exponentially more with each pregnancy, doesn't it?!?
nice to have your updates camille. never a dull moment around your place is there? wish i could see jordan/austin. i might just have to pop in on austin however!
I thought it was excellent too. The spirit was very strong. THanks for letting the kids do it!
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