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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Women's Conference 4-30 and 5-1-09

One of the highlights of my trip was that I got the opportunity to go to Women’s Conference with my Mom and Sister Janine. It took a little prep to make sure that all would be well with my kids, but my brother Austin, my Dad and my sister Becca all helped pull together to watch them for me. But Austin really did a lot of work and was with them during the day and I thank you so much for that Austin! The kids love you!Women’s Conference itself though was amazing and even though we started off really tired, it was just wonderful to be there with my mom and sister.
Lots of walking, and snacking, and trying to stay awake during classes (just because I was exhausted) was most of our days, but a few things to mention, one my Aunt for letting us stay with her….it was so fun to see you and your girls again! Then the sharing stations….there were 70 booths all about sharing ways to serve in the church, family and community. They were amazing and I was so impressed by them all and wished I had hours to look at everything they had done! The information on them all isn’t posted yet, but you can check here for previous years virtual stations.
The concert that night was also fabulous. There were perfomers like Alex Boye, Hillary Weeks, Jenny Oaks Baker, and some other great musicians. It was a really entertaining night.

Our friends from Layton were the musicl performances at the final session

Okay, so not the most fab pictues, but it's something! The three of us together.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

SO jealous, I wanna go so bad!