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Sunday, February 22, 2009

My children need discipline! 2-16-09

So, the kids have managed to do it again, but it wasn’t the only time this week that they have decided to test my patience! This particular instance happened again I think Monday night. I woke up Tuesday morning to go to the GYM and woke up to the kids sleeping in the family room, and my entire upstairs trashed. Apparently their party they had from Saturday night sparked the idea that it was okay to get up out of bed after mom and Dad are in bed, and heck let’s do it again! Except last time they were up till 2:00, who knows how late they were up the second time! I did take pictures this time, so you will see below all their interesting activities, that were included but not limited to: the TV, painting and coloring, getting daddy’s screwdrivers out of the garage (that scares me that they were out there in the middle of the night!) and using them to try to open their piggy banks, getting into the Valentine Candy they were banned from after their party Saturday night, getting out and piling up a loaf of bread in the family room, pouring mustard and katsup on hamburger buns, games and puzzles, oh and let’s not forget all the candy and toys strewn all over the floor.

Needless to say we had to come up with quite some discipline which included throwing away almost everything they made a mess of. Including all their paints, crayons, coloring books and candy. Although it was hard for me to see all that go to waste, so did they, so I think it was a good lesson.

I have really struggled with their behavior this week, not typical fighting sibling behavior, but naughty we don’t want to obey mom. Everything they do, they get silly doing, bedtime, clean up time, lunch time, after lunch time. They love being silly together, but it just keeps getting them in trouble! Even simple things like cleaning up toys, they get doing it together, are silly, don’t get it done and get in trouble. I have really tried being patient with them, especially because they AREN’T fighting, but playing, but they aren’t taking me seriously. Bedtime, they get up and play with toys, I send them back to bed, and find them playing again! I finally had reached my limit Thursday night when Duck was gone, I locked Kyson screaming in his room and made Maliyah sleep on the hall floor upstairs! We really need to separate them, which is really unfortunate because I love that they have such a fun relationship together. They just don’t know when to stop being silly and take me seriously.


The Petrini Post said...

oh my goodness...I think if my kids did that, I would flip a switch! When Ben and Bella shared a room, it was a nightmare trying to get them to stop playing and go to sleep. We finally separated them and set some strick bedtime rules. It has helped alot. Good luck with that! And Congrats on Baby #4..way to go girl!

Molly said...

Oh my gosh! As Mrs. Hannigan says: "Kill, Kill, Kill!" Just wait, though, it gets harder, just in different ways. My two oldest are more chanllenging than my younger ones!

The Duckworth Family said...

Yeah Melissa, pretty much we have determined we have to split the kids, but at some point that's not always going to be the answer becuase more are coming! They have been good over the weekend, but unfortunate for me it's meant checking on them until they are asleep.

Molly you are right....little has been easy, but I'm determined to find ways to discipline just right so that's not the case! Not that my mom had it easy always, but I think she did a good idea and she had eight....I can do it!

Carrie said...

Naughty, naughty! They were pretty innovative getting the screwdrivers to open the piggy banks! Sorry you had to deal with that. Have fun with Janine next week, yeah!

Mike and Megan said...

Sorry for the stress you've had this week! You are a great Mom! I like to rely on "Love and Logic" parenting books. They give me helpful ideas. Good luck!

Jaime said...

No fun for you!! You'll laugh at those pictures in the future....the very distant future!!

The Duckworth Family said...

I have already been laughing but praying at the same time that they don't do it again!

Hunsaker said...

YIKES!!!!!!!! need say more?

Kristy said...

I'm sorry, but that made me laugh so hard! It's so funny when it's not happening to you! Hang in there! I miss you!