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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jayden Biffed it! 2-15-09

This week I was just taking some pictures of Jayden in the bath. He still loves bath time and it’s a rare moment when I can get that kid really holding still for the camera, so bath is a good opportunity, plus I wanted to get a good picture of his battle wound from this last weekend. When we were at the temple he totally walked off the curb and landed right on his face. The day it happened it looked awful with red marks from his forehead all the way down to his chin, luckily the only part that he really scratched bad was right around his nose, although that was a rough spot as I have to wipe his mouth and nose area so often! It healed really quickly though which was nice. I always felt so bad having to wipe him!

I love close ups of baby's eyes. He doesn't have fabulous blue or brown or even green eyes, in fact all three of my kids have colorles hazel type eyes, but they are still beautiful, kids are just pretty to look at in general!

(Oh, and yeah I cleaned up the war wound in this one!)

Maliyah was trying to teach him to blow bubbles in the water. It was pretty cute.

Here is a close up of his owie.


Dixie Packer said...

ouch!, he has beautiful eyes though

Ashley said...

Oh, poor little guy! Your kids are very creative in their mischief-at least they love playing together! Congratulations by the way on your pregnancy.