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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Camping - Blackberry Pickin! 8-15-08

Friday morning after a fabulous breakfast of Sausage, eggs, pancakes and Orange Juice (golly we eat better when we are camping than when we are home!), we took the kids on a promised adventure to look for more Blackberries! We all took cups to fill and boy did they fill fast! Both the kids were really good at the picking, but especially Maliyah. She was very diligent in finding the blackest and the biggest! Kyson was also pretty good at least going for Black, but his still were a little tart and had some red on them. I’m sure still usable for a pie though!

So, I have a really crappy camera and doesn't take the greatest shots, but once in awhile I can get a good one! This was pretty impressive for my camera to get this clear of a shot of the berries this close!

So these Bushes are very prickly, with lots and lots of thorns that hurt! The kids did pretty good avoiding them, but we all still came out with lots of scrapes and owies!

The Dark and Spooky Forest Again!

The Boys!

Don't they look happy for being in 110 degree weather! Did I already mention that it was very hot!

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