But, while in Utah we took advantage of having my mom around and had her do our family pictures. I'm always grateful for the opportunity as usually Duck isn't with us on our trips.
I think the most amazing part about this picture is that with absolutely no editing, we got all 5 kids looking, no blinking or weird faces and mostly smiling! Definitely a miracle!

Savannah's blessing dress is A M A Z I N G!! My brother in law Adam Hunsaker crocheted it. We made the little slip to go under and voila...a gorgeous baby for her blessing day!

This Dress that Savannah is wearing used to be mine. I had my picture taken in it in this exact spot. Then when I was in Utah 5 years ago I had Maliyah's picture taken in it in this same spot as well. And now Savannah. Of course in a couple years it will be Emma's turn!

Jayden is 3 1/2 and just a turkey! He says the funniest things, throws the biggest fits, and makes me laugh so hard. I love this little guy!

Kyson just turned 6 and is such a handsome kid. I love his squinty eye smile!

Maliyah is 7 1/2 and is looking forward to her baptism at the end of this year. She is such a great help to me and fun to be around. I love that she likes all the things I like! Hanging out with just the girls is always a treat for both of us!

Oh How I love them!!!

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