So our craft for school Wednesday was making her a paper flower bouquet. It took a little longer than I anticipated....and Kyson gets really discouraged doing crafts (it's that odd?) but in the end he figured it out...had fun and kept wanting to make MORE flowers!

Thursday was our Preschool Fieldtrip and it was to the music department at a nearby highschool. The gal that planned this plays violin very well and was able to be a soloist at a concert with many of these musicians. It was such a fun idea! Mostly Kyson and maliyah got excited over the instruments, but Jayden got excited too! He would see or hear instruments he recognized and 'try' to remember what they were! Either that or he would excitedly say 'little einsteins!'.

Maliyah would color all day long I think if it was in our schedule to do so! She has decided to draw a special picture for everybody who will be coming to visit when I have the baby. She even called her cousins to see what their favorite colors are! After finishing them all she very carefully picked out which picture should go for which person (including all our family too). I love that she likes to create things for others!

Saturday was the 1st Saturday I think in YEARS that we didn't not have ONE single thing planned or event that we had to be at. Even the Young Mens basketball game had been rescheduled. I can't tell you how excited I was about having a FREE day! Friday night laying in bed Duck and I talked about what we might do, the projects we could potentially finally get to, and what fun things we could do with the kids. We didn't plan anything specific...but more i think were excited about our freedom of options!
Well Saturday morning things didn't turn out quite as planned. Duck started feeling sick. WE thought it was the pain killer he had taken for his infected gums after having a root canal this week. We went ahead planning and moving on with our morning deciding to take the kids each on a special date alone with mom or dad. It was the 1st Saturday of the month which meant craft day at Home Depot. The craft was race cars. Perfect for the boys! So Duck started out taking Kyson, then he was going to come back to take Jayden. I guess he barely made it out to the parking lot just in time before puking. So I took Jayden. Both the boys loved it! When I got home Duck was still puking. Yuck. Now I was bummed that this wasn't just because of pain killer, and it wasn't going away quickly.
Next I took Maliyah out on her date. Since Raegan (her little friend with the tonsils out) was out of school for 2 weeks, and having to take things easy, we thought it would be fun to invite her and her mom to join us. It was so much fun and those little girlies had a blast. We shopped for baby's first outfit...then lunch, then off to Joanns to find fabric to make a blanket to match the outfit. Definitely GIRL things! I had Duck take the camera with him and Ky, I took a picture of Jayden but it was with my phone and I"m not sure how to download those yet, and then I had my camera with Maliyah and totally failed to take a picture! So props to Duck for getting one good picture of their date!

I really liked the squeezing the dates into one day. It saved us LOTS of time...and yet we were able to have that one on one with each of the kids. Bummer part? Duck continued to be pukey sick all day and night. We were supposed to go on a date that night too. No projects, no date for us...nothing. I know it wasn't his fault...but I sure was dissapointed in our Saturday that we had SO free to do whatever we wanted!!
1 comment:
What a trooper Duck is...I'm sure he feels horrible for not being able to go on a date with such a freakin HOTTIE! Love you Babe! Sorry I was sick!
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