The week before Maliyah's friend had her tonsils out and we invited her to join us for school this day. The kids thought it was the coolest thing to have someone new doing school with us.
I found Gold and Green Hula hoops at the $ store that I got for each child and also some Mardi Gras necklaces.
I printed off some coloring pages and the girls got REALLY Creative with their coloring.

Since Raegan couldn't eat anything solid it was a little harder coming up with a snack that was purple, green, and yellow...but we got thinking and decided to do colorful smoothies!
The green is Lemonade flavor with green kool-aid packet to add color.
The Yellow was Lemonade with Frozen Bananas
and the Purple is Grape with Frozen Cherries.

I just happened to have straws in each color (thank you Ikea) and for Raegan since she can't use straws I luckily had baby spoons in each color! Not that it was necessary...but oh so fun!

Jayden figured out how to get all three going at once!

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