And I"m not even going to worry about what I don't have pictures of!
Thursday i had hosted preschool at my house and the theme was people in our community. I had dress-ups for the kids, crafts, games and all kinds of stuff! It was fun, but definitely interesting to see the different levels three year olds can be at! Some that know their letters...and then others that can't seem to follow simple instructions. But it takes practice and that's why we do preschool right!?

The color of the month is Blue so we painted with Shaving Cream on blue Construction paper. Most of the kids loved this and squishing the cream between their hands!

This was the favorite game. We talked about how mail gets to places by letters and numbers on the envelope that match where they are going to. So I printed mail boxes with shapes or letters, they a bunch of envelopes with matching symbols and then they had to go and find the matching mail boxes. We played it three times and they wanted to do it more!

This is Maliyah with her little friends at Dance. She is too old for the class but really wanted to be in with her friend and I don't care...its all about her just having fun!

Friday night I had a craft night at my house with a few friends. I didn't take any pictures and I only got two little crafts done myself, but the others turned out with some cute stuff I wish I would have taken pictures of! This champagne glass lamp was one of what I finished! It's not a grerat picture, but it looks cool with the soft candle light rather than the flash so it's the best I could do at midnight! The other craft I finished was a string of light sfor the girls room .It turned out SUPER cute and when I get it hung in their room I'll take pictures.

Saturday we needed some Time out with the kids. The weather was nice so we took the remote car out to the park again! The kids had a blast...loved playing on the playground and I enjoyed some relaxing time with the fam!

By the way...none of these are of the kids actually doing the monkey bars on their own. As soon as we let go, they just hang there until they drop. They are such wimps!

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