During the month of December Duck got word of some flat bed diesel trucks that had to be gotten rid of from the company stores in California. Only problem was getting it here...especially since he has NO employees! So we had to go with him. I would say GOT to go with him, but it really wasn't a convenient time, it was to be a really short trip without much time for fun or sight seeting. We fit in swimming, Ikea and a quick trip to the Golden Gate Bridge...but I ended up so tired trying to drive home that we ended up staying in a hotel Saturday night and driving home Sunday. Here are the pictures I did take while visiting the bridge which was definitely a highlight for the kids. That made the trip worth it, especially when Maliyah said she wanted to make this trip again for her birthday!
This Blog is an update on our lives so that all our family and friends can keep up with us! We hope that this blog fills the thousand mile gap the unfortunately seperates many of us. We Currently live in Klamath Falls Oregon. Shortly after I finished school at BYU, we moved to Anchorage Alaska for Duck to finish his schooling. We moved here after Anchorage and have really enjoyed our experiences here.
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