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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday Fun Day & Emma is 10 months! {photography & homeschool)

If the kids finish all their school Monday through Thursday, then Friday we have a 'fun day' where we do something fun and hopefully educational too. This Friday the kids got to do a Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt. They had to work together to find items that i had printed pictures of into a list. At first the idea was to teach them a few things about how to find things in the store and then let them have at it. And that would have worked out great had I not had three other little ones waiting. So I had to aid them quite a bit in the process. All in all though, they found the items and had a great time!

I realized that morning that i really needed to do Emma's 10 month pictures. She looked pretty cute in her little outfit so I decided we would try to do it after our scavenger hunt. I just didn't know where the heck I was going to do them! On my way driving home I saw this abandoned building with some really ugly siding and junk...it was perfect!

She is just starting to pull herself up and want to stand. She does not crawl yet (which I'm very okay with) but she does scoot around in circles!


These tires were filthy! I had to take a close up of those dirty little hands! The bum of these pants are pink and amazingly did NOT get dirty!


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