Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year from the
Happy New Year from the

This year I tried to cut back and make things easier for myself by only sending cards to very close family. The great part is I don’t have to feel too guilty about doing that because I can tell all of our friends about our lives via facebook, emails and blogs! Hurray for modern day technology that helps us stay connected so easily!
I’m going to try to be brief as I do update regularly on our family via the blog. But at this time we are really doing well! I’m about 25 weeks into my pregnancy and although still pretty tired and occasionally nauseous, I’m doing much better than I was even 6 weeks ago. SHE is due early April and I’m so excited to have another girl! We love girly things around here. I have continued to really enjoy having the kids at home with me and teaching them. I am still teaching music and working hard at being a good Primary President.
Duck still loves his job although has been working quite a bit extra lately. He is the only one running the store right now until a new employee starts this next week. It’s kept him busy and I’ve missed being able to use him for all my errands, but he is holding up great! He is working as the Varsity Coach in the Young Mens Program and is sad to see all his boys turning 16 this year and leaving him! Football is still an obsession and I just can’t wait for the season to be done!
Maliyah is mid through 1st grade and loves learning. Her favorite parts of school are probably writing, art, and anything crafty. She just began learning to crochet and can’t wait for me to teach her to make something for real! She has finished up a long session of swimming lessons and has recently proven to swim nearly 100 yards! She will take a break this next school term to try dance instead. Still loves horses, her brothers and especially her baby sister! She is a great help to me when she is in the mood! I can't believe she will be 8 this year. She is already looking forward to being baptized.
Kyson is in Kindergarten and reading pretty good. I’m hoping to get him to catch up to Maliyah with most of his schooling to make teaching easier for me! We’ll see how that goes. He too has continued swimming but has yet the confidence to even let go of his teacher. I think we are in it for the long haul! Ky loves playing sports with dad and playing with Jayden. They really play well together and are best buds. He has such a sweet heart and tries really hard to be polite and kind to everyone.
Jayden is full of energy! He was 3 in Nov and just started swimming lessons. I’m hoping he can learn fast cause I’m kinda getting burnt out! He loves learning right next to the kids during school. That makes it a little hard for me since he is on such a completely different level, but we make it work! He is so sweet with his little sister Savannah and is excited for a new baby. He looks up to his big brother and loves playing tackle with him!
Savannah is my little sweetheart. She is curious and into everything, but she loves her mamma and just melts my heart! She lights up when Daddy gets home from work and anytime she is away from her siblings for a little while she is SO excited to be reunited with them. She is a smart little bugger learning from her siblings fast! She keeps me busy, but really is such a good little girl.
We are very grateful for how much we are blessed daily. God has definitely watched out for us. We look forward to the adventures a New Year brings and wish you all a Happy New Year!
are you homeschooling???!!!!!!!
Hi! Camille your family is so photogenic! I love how every picture is so good and you are all so good about getting regular family pictures! I'm glad things are going so well for you. I just found out I'm also having a GIRL and she's due April 10th! We are so excited! I so wish we lived closer!! Love you!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your family picture you all look great! merry christmas and HAppy New year!
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