Having just been out of town I hadn't really planned or prepared for school this last week, but thankfully Maliyah, on the first, suggested we make a Christmas chain to count the days till Christmas. WE made one last year and apparently she remembered! What timing Maliyah! Each of the older kids picked a color and gets to take that chain off on their day.

Jayden LOVES to make silly faces for the camera. Too bad this is the only one he can seem to come up with!

Friday night was our Ward Activity. The primary put on a darling Nativity. I got some really cute pictures of some of the kids, but most of them I don't think I can post. The Mary and JOseph were the best though! They were brother and sister and amazingly sat there so reverently without fighting! Mary did a fantastic job.

My kids were gone when they practiced so we opted for watching, I think they enjoyed it though!

The three older kids did all see Santa, but I hadn't edited these yet and I just happened to throw this one in the group of photos today...maybe next week i'll add Maliyah and Kyson.

We got a lot of snow the last couple of weeks and the kids finally got to go out and play in it! Duck had them out there forever and made a sledding trail down the side yard. They had a blast! Maliyah was most excited to try to make a snowman!

1 comment:
I love the pictures of playing in the snow! I grew up out west with plenty of the white stuff but now live where it is rare. My kids have no idea what real snow is like.
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