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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Update 12-14 through 12-20

Since I will NOT be posting on Christmas day, and possibly not again until after our trip, I'll say it now! We will be leaving for Utah Christmas Day evening and staying through Jan 5th. I'm SO excited to see everybody, but I think my kids are even more excited! But ya know what I"m mostly excited for? 2 1/2 weeks with my kids all home with me, and 1 1/2 weeks of my husband by my side! We haven't had much vacay this year so he has plenty to spare and I totally am looking forward to it!

We had a good week. Lots of productivity and lots of fun. We stayed really busy with something going on every night! OUr good friends the Jiraks moved and that was really sad. We had them over lots this week and the kids had a hard time understanding them being gone, but they want to make some trips out to yellow stone and Salt Lake so hopefully we will be able to coordinate trips!
Thursday night (I forgot to bring my camera) was Kyson's preschool Christmas party. All us moms were pretty wiped by then so it wasn't anything super spectacular, but Amy who put it on did a great job coordinating some fun games and ideas. The kids all had a good time, it was short, sweet and perfect for a preschool family party!

Saturday was super fabulous as we didn't have ANYTHING planned! I got to go to the GYM, run some errands, Duck got to run some errands, we got some gifts made, spent some time wtih kiddos, finished wrapping ALL of christmas and got ot spend the evening together. Not to mention Duck got to watch his Cowboys kick butt! It was a good night for him!

Primary today pretty much just drove me. LIke nuts, crazy, up the wall. Actually I'm kidding, it wasn't primary it was just everyrthing. LIke from an early morning, running around, meetings, church, needing to sit in a sunday school (which I loved, but it took me from primary), tithing settlement, meeting about other things, more primary organization, then more church christmas organizing, trying to blog all between all this and then my blessed husband taking care of the kiddos during all this and getting my floors swept mopped and my bathroom done! Whew...what a busy day. Glad it's over! I had been dreading the business of this day all week.

BUT! On a good note....we have some fun planned this week and I look forward to it! Hope you all have a fabulous christmas filled with love, family, and happiness. I sent out a few Christmas cards and will also be sending it via email along with this picture. If you read this blog frequently you already know all about it, but if you would like to be emailed the letter, just let me know!
love you all!

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