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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our special guest!

We had a guest stay in our backyard this last Tuesday. He was scared to death and wouldn't leave the trampoline corner of our yard! Kyson was downstairs playing and yelled that there was a reindeer under the trampoline. Of course I brushed that off, so after the second yell I went to check it out and sure enough there was a deer under the trampoline! I took some pictures then went outside, which scared him to move away, then eventually to try to jump the fence that is WAY too high. He must have jumped in over the fence from the road which is higher than our yard on the inside of the fence. so easy in...but no out. Finally that night after the gate being open all day he found his way out. He had injured his leg and broke two boards on the fence, but I think he'll survive!

this is him trying to jump the fence. He would jump up, hit the fence then slide back down.

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