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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our Update this week of 8-9 through 8-16-09

This update comes pretty soon after my last one, so if you didn't get to see all about baby coming and family being here, check out the last two pages of posts....there are some fun pictures you will have missed!

We had a good week, I worked hard trying to get caught up with some things so I can play with my kids over the next two weeks before school starts.

Significant events? Not really too many that aren't mentioned below. Jayden turned 21 months which means some pictures coming up!

Today was probably the biggest event that that was a calling change. I wasn't super happy about it, but there isn't much I CAN to about it, except be happy and accept with the joy of knowing we will be blessed as we willingly serve. RIGHT? No, I didn't get released...I'm still Primary President, and maybe that's the problem....no, I really love the primary....it's just overwhelming at times. But Duck was put in as Young Mens first counselor and Scout Master***okay I was wrong in the title....something varsity, not scout master, but with the way they run together might as well be! Sorry for the confusion***. Really, will it be all that awful? No. Will we be able to handle it fine? Yes. Honestly, the grief comes totally out of selfishness....I'm going to lose more time away from my husband and I don't like that. Meetings, Youth activities, the 3rd hour of church, and scouting events, activities and campouts. That's a lot of stuff and guess what? It started today. Both of us busy with our callings after church trying to wrap stuff up with four kids tired, hungry, and waiting to go home. Then Friday he already had a youth outing. Selfishness...that's all. I can handle the kids, I can handle being busy....I don't like him to be busy because that means I can't rely on him as much in my business....selfish. I know. So I'm going to pray a LOT this week so that I can feel peace about his calling and about me accepting it and being happy about it.

Okay one more thing to whine about. My baby starting school. I'm REALLY having a hard time with it. I hate the thought of her being away from me so much. I'll miss her. It's full day Kindergarten....I HATE that, and I will miss her. There is no other way to put it. I cry just about every day thinking about it and I probalby will keep crying until either postpartum is completely gone (no It's not bad!) or until school is out next spring. I LOVE having my kids home with me. I'm going to cry again! It will be hard having my kids away from me, it's part of life, and it's a new chapter I'm going to have to get used to, but for the next two weeks while they are still all completely mine....I"m going to try to enjoy it to the fullest!

Hope you all had a wonderful week and I hope you all enjoy reading about our week!


David and Cori said...

I cried a lot when I thought about Hannah starting school and how some teacher who I didn't know would be in charge of my child for 7 hours of the day. Then when Wesley started, I didn't cry until after I dropped him off and was walking back to the car. Last year when Alyssa went, I hate to admit it, but I literally skipped for joy...ha teacher, who I actually do know (cuz Wes had her the year before) you get to have Alyssa 7 whole hours of each day. Good Luck. Yes, Alyssa tried my patience every day. This is the 2nd year that it will just be Megan and I at home - we have a blast together. When she starts next year - there will be floods of tears...so I guess I will have come full circle. The kids have back to school night tonight where they take all their school supplies, then they start Wednesday. We are all ready for school to start! I hope it becomes a little easier for you. Just remember how much Maliyah is going to love it!

Rachel Garcia said...

The first is always hard but it gets easier every year and pretty soon you'll be counting down the days till they go back! Just think when they are all in school of all the free crafting time you will have- See that makes it all better;)

Dixie Packer said...

I know what you mean about Duck's calling. Nate has been in YM for a few years now and luckily it hasn't been as busy as i had thought it was going to be. (i think the men just do less planning and preparation than us women do.) Although i will be so grateful to have my wednesday nights back once he is released. Since he is gone every wednesday, i get very unmotivated that day because i know i'm not going to get any help. for one day of the week it feels like he's back in school. (i remember those days when he would go to school and work everyday and i would never see him)
anyway, nate does a ton of planning thru email which eliminates the need to have so many meetings.

Mike and Megan said...

I totally understand! We are moving to a district that starts two weeks earlier, and I just found out that it is all day K as well. I too cry all the time (mine is pregnancy related, I hope). Give me a call if you want to cry session.

Amy said...

This post really hit home! I'm serving in Young Women's and Jake recently was called as Young Men's President. He had been serving as High Priest group leader which didn't take too much time (other than phone calls and family visits). The Youth has many needs especially as it relates to time!

Jake left town on Saturday for a month and guess what we were doing Friday night? He was gone on a Scout campout and I was at home hosting a Young Women's back to school dinner.

Yep, it's hard to juggle all that needs to be done. But, there is joy in serving.

Homeschool is always an option too! *wink* It's really not as overwhelming as it seems. On the flip side, as much as I love having my kids with me... every day... all day... every day... all day... sometimes I wouldn't mind a break. We can see the elementary school from our window and there have been times I thought... Hmmm. Maybe I'll send them all to school!

But I love the homeschool environment too much and so I don't. But I suppose there's emotion on both sides of the fence!

I hope you have a great year. I'm sending you my best wishes!