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Thursday, August 13, 2009

6 days old and SEcond PHoto shoot...oh yeah and Crater Lake!

Wednesday we a full and crazy, but fun day! We actually had a lot to do in the morning, just getting house in order, kids dressed, ourselves re3ady, but also because we were going to go to Crater Lake that night and had to make sure to have dinners all ready and packed. Also mom, brent and shal were leaving the next morning and had to be all ready for that.

Well with all that going on, I also wanted to do some indoor photos of Savannah before mom left. So we had to get all the above done by nap time so we could use the quiet of the day to do pictures! It kinda worked that way! ;)

Crater Lake was a blast, it was a little chilly and Savannah had her first blow out, but it was fun to show the amazing lake to the family that hadn't seen it yet, for the kids to run around and be wild, and then to cook our tin foil dinners and roast marshmallows was of course the best! The kids took advantage of the freedom to run around and get dirty. They saw deer, explored the area, and ate all their food after such an exhausting afternoon!

These last two of just of Savannah wearing some cute little Jammies her Grandma Duck sent her.

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