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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Whirlwind Wednesday!

Wednesday was a SUPER busy day! WE just had a lot going on, and I amazingly made it through without passing out or falling asleep somewhere random or odd! We started out at the GYM, then went to straight to the Library. They were having a puppet show this day and it was really seriously entertaining! Jayden was even laughing the whole time! I tired to get some good picture, but we were a little too far back...I took some of Jayden though!

We came home for naps which I was hoping to partake of, but then remembered I had a lot of work to do to get ready for two meetings I had that night, so instead I spend 3 1/2 hours on the computer!

I met Duck with the kids at the Dr Office for my 38 week appointment. I had Duck come in with the kids so he could meet this Dr since she was new for us. It was fun as KYson had never heard the baby's heart beat before. Everything is looking fine and I was just happyt o be that much closer to baby coming! We went straight from the Dr to Kyson's t-ball pizza party. Ky had fun playing wtih his team mates and I think they all just enjoyed getting out and going something different as a family.

Shortly after coming home we quickly straightened the house as Duck was having his presidency meeting at the house, while I ran to the church for my two meetings. I got home not too late, but for some reason was dumb and stayed up late watching America's Got Talent. Thanks cambria...you got us hooked!

Enjoy the pictures from the day:

Bad picture, but the best I could get of the puppet show.

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