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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Klamath Cruise and Date night 6-27-09

This week it occurred to me that soon we will have baby to tote around with us on all our dates having to worry about nursing schedule, noise level (okay maybe not), but then carrying around a diaper bag. My good friend kimberly is due in 2 weeks, so we decided we all needed to get out before babies came! We finally were able to go out last night and it was great. WE haven't actually gone OUT on a date in awhile and it was sooooo needed! Even though it was just to dinner, it was really nice to be out, without kids, without hauling bags, and diapers and worrying about messes! And it was only dinner becasue last night was also the Klamath Cruise! Now, I had heard of it past years, hadn't cared to make any effort to go, but Joey and Kimberly were going to take their son Payton so we decided the kids might like it and we joined them. What is it? you might say, pretty much people obsessesed about their cars who fix them up, paint them up, and trick them out, register and parade in them down town while hundreds of people line the streets to watch. That's what kind of excitement we get around here.

So although not too many of you will care at all about something like this, I knew my father-in-law would, so this one is for you Steve!!

OH! I almost forgot to mention to. When I was trying to explain to Maliyah what we were going to go see, I was trying to use simple terms. So I just said they were a bunch of old cars that people fixed up to make them look cool. So later she tells Duck, "they are old cars that they made look new". The way she said it, kinda of matter of factly and as if she new ALL about it was really cute!

This one was the boys' favorite! They kept talking about seeing the racecars, but to see a Monster Truck was even better!

And I'm sure I don't have to tell you whose favorites these next two were?

First I told Ky to smile at the camera....nothing, then I said to say cheese and he gave me this second face. Where this face came from? I have no idea.....none.

I almost think Maliyah enjoyed the cruise more than the boys!

Although it doesn't say I'm having fun in this picture, Jayden really did seem to enjoy it. He kept waving to all the cars and saying hi to them. Today is my video post so look out for those clips of him waving to all the cars!

After the cruise we took the kids to all get ice cream. THIS of course was the best part of the night. They were all so into their treats I could barely get them to look up for a picture!

I almost forgot to mention, but Kyson had his second t-ball game yesterday morning and did pretty good. And when I say pretty good, it's not becuase he hit fabulously or caught the ball or threw it really well (although all those things are improving little by little), but he is starting to figure out the game more, and to actually get in, have fun, and not look around for mom and Dad constantly!

1 comment:

Grandpa Duck said...

OK - The next time you have "CRUSE NIGHT" I want to be there... " Really Boss - Cool Man !"
Grandpa Duck