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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekly (monthly!) Update (finally!) 4-6 through 5-17-09

It’s been over a month, there is much to share, so little time, and such a slow computer to work with. Actually I think it’s photobucket that’s being slow. For some reason a lot of the pictures I wanted from my mom didn’t make it onto the CD she sent me, so I just had her upload them onto photobucket. Well, I can’t download to my computer in multiples so I’m having to edit and use from photobucket which is a pain and it’s super slow. Due to this process, I’m sorry but there will only be a few pictures from each event (of what mom sent me anyway). Maybe once I get the real files I will add more, but maybe you will be grateful because after a months worth to look at there will be tonz!

I’ll brief you on our trip and a little of Easter amongst these posts, but I’ll try not to bore you with too many details just fun pictures!

(And only because I mention being sick in later posts....I was sick for the two weeks prior to Easter wtih Bronchitis...it was yucky. I'm so happy to be better!)


natalie said...

You are such a good mom! You do so many fun things with your kids and I can tell you really enjoy being with them and being their mom.
Props to you for documenting it all too. When I get behind I just don't bother with it and pick up with where I am at. oh well!

Heidi said...

I'm so glad you had a great time. You are so adventuresome. I love all the pictures.
Thanks for letting us visit last week. You are great