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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hair Do's

So, I'm adding one more post that has nothing to do with our week. I was going to go through and label all posts with a good shot of Maliyah's hair do so I had a quick place to go and reference. Then I realized it would be 10 x's faster to just upload new pictures as I already have most of them saved in one folder on my computer! So i'm just loading thumnails which can be enlarged if clicked on. This is mostly for my reference, but also for anybody else interested. Also if you ever have questions about a hair-do or how to do something, I don't mind sharing info...I just am way too crazy busy to have a "hair blog". Plus mostly for me it's about Maliyah's hair looking cute, not trying every day to think of a different, creative, crazy do. Anyway that's why this is here!

These are hair do's from the time she was little until now. He hair has changed a lot and this helps show the different things you can do wether it's short, long, thick (although she has never really had thick hair), or thin hair.

Okay, that's it for now. That took forever and it's a ton of pictures and I didn't even get half way through the folder! I'll still be labeling all my hair ones 'hair' but it's not going to all be in one post!


Laurens_Closet said...

Those hair-do pics are AMAZING. I don't know how you find the time & energy to do all that you do... three kids & another little GIRL on the way (congrats on that- I meant to tell ya!). You're an inspiration! ~Amy

Kelly said...

THANK YOU!! On another day I'll ask you about how to do some of those. The one I mostly want to know is the twisting thing...kind of like a french braid but not. I have no clue. Anyway, I'm so glad to see these hair shots! THanks! (also, you're amazing!)

Llama Wanderings said...

You are CRAZY good with braids! :D

The Florida Parker Family said...

SO I typed in a comment and for some reason it didnt save! I cannot believe that you know how to do all of those braids-I love them. I am glad that my 8 month old doesn't have any hair. I do like the headbands though. Remember when we used to play with hair...what 15 year ago? Oh the good ole days. Keep blogging. I added you to ours


Carrie said...

It's so fun to see her baby pictures. It reminds me of when you came to Chicago when she was ~6 months, that was fun.

-Laura- said...

SO SO SO cute! Janelle is so tender-headed it's all I can do to stick a ponytail on the side of her head just to get her hair out of her face. Maybe one day I will bribe her and try one of your amazing creations! Thanks for sharing!

Dixie Packer said...

yay, i love having new ideas for maddie's hair. of course, we've probably already copied most of these because any time we see maliyah or pictures of maliyah we always try to take note of her cute hair so we can do it another day.