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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update week 11/3 through 11/9/08

Even though I'm a week behind on this week's post, I'm still going to seperate it from this week's, just to keep things in order. And also as a reminder that the posts now run backward to a normal blog, but theefore making it so that if you read from top down, you are reading in order instead of backward. And if you are a blogger that should make sense, if you aren't....that might have been confusing!

I hate when I'm late at posting because I know there are things i wanted to mention that now, a week or more later, I dont' remember them! But I wanted to mention some things that aren't posted with pictures below. One is Jade walking, I'm hopefully going to get some videos and pictures from this week on here, but he totally took off!

Another funny moment was with Ky. They were downstairs making Jayden happy for me after his nap before I could get down there to get him when I hear Ky screaming. I run down and he had gotten his leg stuck in the side of the crib. Although I'm sure he wasn't really much hurt, he really was I guess scared, he's a sensitive kid. So I was sitting there hugging him and rocking him and he says "sing twinkle to make me smile". It was so cute, so as I started singing Twinkle Little star, he little by little starts to smile. When I was done, he got up full of smiles and exlaims "Twinkel made me smile! I'm all better now!" It was so cute and so now any time he gets hurt, or any of the kids, I'll just sing them their favorite song and by the time we are done they feel all better!

Jayden also started Saying mamma. I love that! And he also is giving kisses and waved goodbye. Every time it's nap time I have the kids say goodnight to him and one time on his own he just waved goodbye!

Well, I know there was more from that week, but that's all I can remember for now! Enjoy the pictures!

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