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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Coos Bay Mill Casino

The week of the 8th, my birthday, we took the family up to Coos Bay Oregon. Duck had work meetings for two days, so we stayed an extra and enjoyed the coast. We left on the 8th and got there barely in time to have dinner with his Boss and other managers that were already there. This was a big pre-forecast thing so all the managers in this region were attending. I didn't realize that night though that the dinner was with all those people. In fact I had gotten somehow the impression from Duck that we were having dinner at the house of the manager there in Coos Bay with his family. He is a member of our Church and so I thought it was to meet the fam. We weren't too presentable after 4 1/2 hours of driving so when while driving I found out it's not at their house and it's not just that manager but his boss and ALL the managers (no families) I felt like we were imposing where we weren't invited. But the Coos Bay manager had arranged this dinner and made DUck promise that the family would be coming. Dinner turned out okay and we were alble to take a few seconds to freshen up, straighten clothes and hairspray some hair. Dinner was nice and the kids were very well behaved so I felt okay. Also they sange Happy Birthday and got me dessert. The manager from Coos Bay, his wife came and she is the Relief Soceity President in their ward so we sat together and had plenty to talk about!

The first day we were there Duck of course had meetings so I had to figure out what to do with the kids, in October, on the coast, on a rainy day. Oh! And I forgot to mention that the "hotel" we were staying in, wasn't just a hotel. It was the biggest Casino on the coast! So pretty much that rulled out playing indoors unless we wanted to be confined to our smoke free room....which got boring pretty quickly. Luckily I came prepared and had coats, hats, gloves and scarves and we just walked around outside. I didn't have a car this day and there wasn't really much close by that we could walk to, so we made do with our resources! The morning was okay, and Duck met us for lunch and then kids did okay with naps in the hotel room. Duck though of course had a dinner planned with all the managers so it was just me and the kids again. We drove around, went to the mall (which was exciting since we don't have one at all!). I wanted to spend a little birthday money so I went to JC Penny's to TRY to do soimething I never do and shop for me. The kids were awful! NOt like screaming, make me embarrased in public awful, but just bad attitude, not kind and not obeying me awful. I tried on a million things to walk out with one top and some jewelry. The kids were bad at Dinner too. I really wanted to make this a fun trip and do fun things. I didn't want this day to be dull and boring just because of the weather. I'm all about late nights, fun games, and of course yummy treats. But did my kids really deserve that!? So I figured I would give them one more try. We went to the dollar store, got some snacks and a few toys and games and the deal was if they could be good until we got ready for bed then we could do some fun activities and have a late night. NOpe. They were awful. It must have just been the day. They were defiant, having attitudes, and if I wouldn't have known better I would say they were trying on purpose to ruin my day. I hate to post negative things, but since I haven't written in my journal about this trip, this is kinda it so sorry if you didn't want to read all about all that! That night I finally just put the kids to bed, had a pitty party for myself and hoped the rest of the weekend would be better. Which it did! And here is what we did that morning when they weren't little monsters!

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