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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lake of the Woods with Friends!

Every summer we try to make it up to the Lake a few times. It's about 45 minutes away and four years ago we would go nearly every week! But it's so great, a nice little rocky beach, shallow water and lots of friends to visit with all day!

Because I don't have to keep super close eye on the the oldest, I mostly sat in the shallow water with Emma and Savannah. So...guess who the pictures are of?

She was so happy and content to just sit in the water and play with the rocks. I can't believe that we were able to stay for nearly 5 hours without a meltdown!


LOVE her eyes.

Jilli discovered herself in her momma's glasses!  I was laughing so hard at the faces she was making at herslef.

Ryan building a fort with flotation devices. :)  Clever little fella

Thanks April for setting this up and everybody for coming! It's so fun for the kids to have a bazillion frinds to play with! And when 10 mormon mom's show up...that's about accurate for the count.

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