Painting Eggs

Easter Egg Hunt! Indoors because it was raining.

This snottiness is what I came home from the hospital to. Emma caught it. Thank heavens they are all better now.

She slept through the whole thing.

I felt guilty for out totally unplanned, very simple easter this year. Thank heavens for Grandma Duck for helping with the most magnificent package! But while Duck and I were out on a date we saw this Sno Cone Machine and I knew the kids would LOVE it! And. they. did.
We don't usually do much for gifts and stuff for easter, more just fun family activities...but this became both. WE wrapped up the maching, the syrups, and then the cups and straws as gifts and each of the older kids got to open one. THEY WERE EXTATIC! Honestly, you would have thought we just told them we were going to Disney Land. I thought kyson would cry he was so excited. It was awesome! We made sno cones all night!

Easter Sunday! Savannah was in a pretty poopy mood as you can tell, but I knew if I waited to take this picture until later {like maybe after church}, then it wouldn't happen.

Oh, my goodness, Camille! So cute!!! Look at all those kids :) And, seriously, I love picturing you on the bike crocheting. It makes my insides bubble up with happiness every time. You are hilarious. And amazing.
Such a cute little family you have! Emma is so beautiful! Congrats!
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