Duck has also had some changes at work that have made him busier, therefore me busier without as much as his help as I’m used to! Hopefully he is able to hire someone soon so he isn’t working over time!
I’m not even going to put these pictures in different posts…just one all mooshed together!
The first picture is gross….not just what it is, but the idea. It’s a mouse, a dead mouse thank heavens, but it was alive…in my house…for nearly a week! WE spotted it last week, put a trap in our room which is where it was spotted, but after three days of blocking my door so it couldn’t get out, and sleeping on the couch…I figured it has escaped or died and I was waiting for Duck to remove all our furniture and find the darn thing! When lo and behold it appears in the family room. We cornered it, blocked it, set up the trap and in the morning it was caught. I’m just glad I didn’t see it in person…just this picture that the kids thought was pretty cool. GROSS!!

Jayden’s birthday is actually today, although we arne’t saying anything until tomorrow which is when we are celebrating. There is no way he would understand today being his birthday, but having to wait to have his party tomorrow…so happy birthday to Jayden tomorrow! These pictures are of him proudly showing off his invite he helped me make.

Friday night we did take Jayden on a Date for his Birthday. I had my camera, but I was pretty tired and never pulled it out so I didn’t get a picture. He was pretty tired too as he didn’t get a nap in that day, but he sure loved playing with all the toys in wal-mart trying to pick his prize (birthday present).
We had a Beautiful sunrise the other day…not something that happens all that often, so I had to take pictures of it! It disappeared quickly so I was grateful for my quiet moment in the morning to enjoy it!

Saturday was a busy day. We had the world wide leadership broadcast that morning (which was really cool and great to be part of) and then Duck had youth conference and scout training most of the rest of the day. Part of the youth conference activities was the blow up play sets for the youth. It was set up though 1 ½ hours early so they invited the leaders to bring their families to come and play! The kids had a blast with their friends playing like crazy! I was grateful for the little bit of family time we were able to enjoy during our busy day!

Savannah is still not fully walking, but she is finally getting brave enough and good enough to get from short places to other places walking. I can't wait for that day her shoes and knees in her pants aren't trashed and filthy from crawling!

Also quick are just a few pictures of crafts the kids made during october.
The guy on the left did have googley eyes, but elmers glue has proved to not really work that well

Next are some of the rainforests the kids made. It was a four day project, but we learned a lot and the kids had fun and were really creative with what they made!
Pipecleaner bananas

pom pom coconuts in the trees and you can barely see the monkey at the bottom hanging from the raffia vines.

kysons flowers and prickly bush

little caterpillar

bugs in the bushes!

Maliyah's caterpillar and electrical tape paths!

tree birds and frogs

1 comment:
i HATE mice!!! your pic makes me want to puke. :) but i love your kiddos pics!! how fun to play on the blow up toys! so JEALOUS!! :)
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