Kyson started Kindergarten and has done pretty good. He has anxiety issues so sometimes when something new seems hard he kinda freaks out and doesn't even want to try, but as soon as he realizes that he can do it, he brightens up and gets so excited!

Maliyah started 1st grade and is such a little smarty pants. A lot of our teaching is together, so sometimes it's stuff that's way over Kysons head, and sometimes stuff that's really simple for Maliyah, but it's fun to watch Maliyah try to explain things to Kyson sometimes. They get a long really well and I'm glad that I have the chance to teach them together!

Jayden started preschool 2 weeks later so we stopped on the way to take his pictures! And of course I had to throw Savannies in there too! Jaydens preschool is the same we did last year for Ky. It's only once class a week taught by a bunch of moms that swap weeks. We have a really young group this year so we have a 2 yr old group and a 3 yr group. Mostly for both groups it's a short lesson and play time, but either way it's something fun for Jayden to do and gives me one day a week that I can do school with the other kids without a distraction!

This bugger cracks me up!

I'm sorry, but golly I can't get enough of this little munchin! she is too dang cute!

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