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Sunday, September 26, 2010

My time has been a little preoccupied!

So I am fully aware that yes, it's been 7 weeks since I have posted. We were gone so much in August, a couple more weekends in September, not to mention a new little twist to our lives that has kept me a little occupied. So even though I finally downloaded and went through my pictures and have tonz to share with you, for yet another week it will have to wait as you think about this ONE picture I am posting today!

Yes, In early April my four little Ducklings will become 5!!!

This is the picture Duck took with his phone while I was in Utah for the music workshop and that he sent to all my family to share the good news! More about our crazy wonderful life next week!


natalie said...

Congrats again! You have beautiful kids. I can't wait to see what this one looks like. :)

Carrie said...

What? Great news! I'll call you today!

Ashley said...

So awesome Camille, Congratulations!!

Rory and Courtney Duckworth said...

Congrats! That's very exciting!

Unknown said...

CAMILLE!!! That is so exciting, and a little crazy! Wowza, you amaze me! Congratulations, your the best mommy.

The Duckworth Family said...

thanks all! We are super excited and i'll be more excited when I'm not so sick and tired anymore!