OH! Where do I even begin with this trip without blabbering on and one! First I have to mention I needed a new lens for my camera, my mom let me borrow it, but could only work it in manual focus. That made it really hard to get some good focused pictures when everything is moving, but I was very grateful to still have it!
SO....the day was so fun, absolutely magical and the kids LOVED every moment of it! We had to seriously beg them to stop to eat! WE didn't even have dinner until 7:00 PM and we only stopped for snacks ONCE (we saved a lot on food that day)! Surprisingly they also never asked for treats or snacks that we saw all along the way, and didn't even mention the idea of buying something (souvenirs) until nearly dinner time!
Their favorite rides were Autopia (car ride), and splash mountain. Probably Jaydens favorite was anything he was tall enough to ride! Actually he was able to go on nearly everything. We had our babysitter Jade with us on the trip which was WONDERFUL! She stayed behind with Savannah on many rides, but was also able to go on close to everything we did. It wasn't a busy day, but to our advantage (although Duck didn't see it this way) it started raining early afternoon so many people left, which left pretty close to NO lines! Many rides we went on twice.
We were able to see everything and do most everything we wanted to do in that one day and it was seriously perfect. (okay so minus the rain even though it was a blessing in disguise). With 3 free disney tickets....bringing in most of our own food, kids who were very happy about their $10.00 they got to spend on their 'prizes' (souvenirs) it really was a pretty cheap day! Not to mention the free shuttle there and back so we didn't have to worry about driving...perfect!!
My favorite pictures are below followed by the plethora in the slide show.
12 years ago
What a fun trip! Love the girls matching outfits. It reminded me of a picture I have of my sister and I at our first time to Disneyland when I was two. My mom had made us matching yellow outfits for the day.
YAY! I am so glad you guys had a good time. All day long I kept saying the Duckworths are in Disneyland now, how fun! Makes me want to go . . . like tomorrow!
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