Glad they can be so happy when I made them get up so early! And actually they were really good during the time I was setting up. I set them up in the Relief Society room with toys and a movie and they did really good.

Even Savannah was really great. I fed her a little before the party was to start and then put her to sleep and she slept through the whole thing...thank heavens! Cause with nearly 30 kids running around I don't know that she would have gotten much of my attention anyway.
We played some really fun games and the kids had a blast. Kyson was a little like himself when I have to teach or run an activity, whiney and clingy, but when he could get over that and participate he really had a good time!
Here is Maliyah with her new homeschool friend Bekah playing post the heart note!

Then of course the infamous game....a valentine version "Don't Eat Val!"

One of my favorite games we did is the Rose Petal Relay. They had to use spatulas and carry rose petals across the room to a bucket. If they fell they couldn't pick them up. It was really fun!

This is one of our friends Lauren and she was REALLY serious about not letting those petals fall!

Some of our other games included:
Learning Valentine Songs
Heart Nose Relay
Valentine Cake Walk
Pass the Heart (I love this one!)
Later that afternoon when Daddy got home he had a suprise with him!

It was a Valentine Package from Grandma Duck!

Oh what wonderful goodies awaited inside!

Jayden was so excited about this one he couldn't take his eyes off it long enough for a picture.

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