Christmas Cookies in a Jar
Months ago when I came across the Bakerella website for the first time, I saw her Cowgirl cookies. They were so dang cute I sent them to my sister! Recently she decided to pull together a super saturday for their ward and one class was the cookies! Well really they are cookies in a jar, not a new concept, but why is it when bakerella does it, they are just 10x's cuter! But instead of the cowgirl cookies she did Christmas cookies. I had helped her create her stickers and then decided it would be a fun activity with the kids since we were in the middle of potty training and stuck in the house! It really was fun to do with the kids and if you want to see how to do them check it out here.
All the ingredients poured, packed and ready to be sealed!
Close it up tightly.
I LOVE christmas colors!
And of course with the stickers and embellishment to make them pretty!
One last step you won't find on them with someone else! We took ours to our neighbors....the kids had a blast!
(FYI I made mine in pint jars and just halved the recipe from bakerella)
GliTtEr NAiLs
Our Second project that night was glitter nails. I had seen some friends do it at a recent craft night so when I saw lots of colored glitter at the dollar store I had to snatch some up! Pretty easy and here's how it goes
1. Choose a polish color and coordinating glitter color.
2. Paint hand one, then sprinkle glitter
3. Let dry
4. Shake of all excess glitter
5. Cover and seal with clear polish.
6. Sit back and enjoy the sparkle!
(instructions given to me was to pain one nail, glitter one nail, then move onto the next, but I'm too impatient for that and I paint nails pretty quickly so I did the whole hand at a time....or in the case below, one color on one hand at a time. I did my toes and did the whole foot at a time)
I kinda skimped on the glitter on purpose but you could totally go heavier!
12 years ago
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