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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our Week! 8-3-08

So I was thinking in all those I just posted, it was really just mostly Duck's Birthday so I figured I would write more about our week, although really that's what the week was all about! I started getting things ready making decor, and whatever and working on it all in extra minutes that I had when Duck wasn't home. Monday was when the turtle came to the house and I spent a lot of time worrying and wondering about him.

Monday night I spent too much time shopping with a gal for Girls Camp Craft supplies and figured while I was out I would do my grocery and birthday shopping as well.

Tuesday was birthday birthday and turtle! I still was worried about how to care for him and spent a lot of time researching what kind of turtle they "thought" he was.

Wednesday was Duck's Actual birthday, but he had to be in Salem all day (golfing poor guy!). So we weren't able to celebrate but he had a good time anyway. I in the mean time was keeping busy with birthday, Super Saturday stuff, Girls Camp Craft stuff (which will be done this week hurray!) and just of course Primary and life!

Friday night was awesome and Duck and I got to go out on a real date! We try to have a date every week, but often it's just a movie or games once kids are in bed. But of course for the birthday boy we had to splurge a little. We got a sitter and headed out to Running Y and golfed! Yes, more golf! We hit a couple buckets of balls, me getting my first real golfing lesson, then just played on the putting green. It was so super fun I can't wait until we do it again! Then we tried out this new place to eat called Jalapenos. It was really a nice night.

Well Saturday of course I had tonz to do for the party, so I had Duck take Maliyah and Kyson to Home Depot for a craft, then he hauled off to the lake for the day with the boys while Maliyah and I busted our butts to do way too much in one day for this party! It was so hard getting it all done without any help from Duck during the week, although taking the boys all day Saturday was awesome! I kept waiting for Jayden to wake up from his nap realizing...he wasn't taking one, he was gone! I also recrouted the Misisonaries to help me with the yard and hanging of the Pinata. They were life savers!

Today is Sunday and although I was looking forward to relaxing all day, didn't quite turn out that way, even despite ignoring my house and dishes for half the day! I didn't have a meeting in the morning so I got to sleep in until 6:30! Yay. Church was great, wasn't too crazy, we had teachers to fill all our classes and sharing time went well. But I had primary visits to do after church which is when I remembered that I was supposed to get with this gal for putting together our earring kits for the girls camp crafts. I usually wouldn't want to do that kind of thing on Sunday, although it is for church, but it was really our only day! It took about 3 hours to do that and pull everything together as camp started today! Then after dinner I started blogging and before I knew it, it was late and bed time! Luckily my dishes did get done, and luckily I'm married to Duck who is always so willing to take care of the family during my busy-ness!

Hope that this week has been great for all of you! We love you and hope you enjoy the reading and movies and pictures and partying!

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